This September we're bringing together digital, technology, marketing and customer experience leaders to enhance service delivery and customer satisfaction through world-class digital experience.

Join industry leaders to explore best practices for designing digital solutions tailored to customer needs, developing reliable services and leveraging AI for dynamic personalisation. Engage in interactive sessions, case studies, panel discussions and a debate to stay ahead of emerging trends and technologies shaping the future of digital experiences.

Key Themes:

  • Bridging Customer Experience and Digital Transformation
  • Real-world case studies on digital innovation
  • Future trends in AI and personalization
  • Strategies for backend technology and system uptime
  • Roundtable discussions on emerging digital strategies
  • Ethical considerations and the role of AI in creativity

Who Should Attend?
Business leaders, digital transformation experts, marketing professionals, and technology enthusiasts who want to gain insights, network with industry peers, and explore innovative solutions to stay competitive in the evolving digital landscape.

Don't miss this opportunity for a day of learning, innovation, and collaboration at the Sydney Digital Experience Summit 2024.

Elevate your digital journey with insight. Register now!


Ben Coughlin
Chief Customer Officer

Stuart Freer
Chief Information & Digital Officer

Kurt Brissett
Chief Technology &
Innovation Officer

Michael Ristuccia
General Manager, Customer Technology

Kevin Wilkins
Experience Chapter Lead (UX)

Anna Bohler
Head of Digital Experience


Carmel Zein
eCommerce Analyst & Podcaster and Head of Marketing

Patrick Tam
Head of Digital Experience Design


Sven Lindell
Consulting Chief Marketing and Digital Officer

Dan Palmer

Nicole Shepherd
Customer Experience Product Lead Retail


Registration & Networking




Opening Keynote:
Bridging the Gap Between Customer Experience and Digital Transformation

Integrating Customer Experience (CX) with Digital Transformation (DX) to enhance service delivery and customer satisfaction is the key to delivering reliable, engaging digital assets, so let’s explore how to do it.


  • Designing digital solutions focusing on customer needs and preferences
  • Utilising data analytics to offer personalised insurance products and services
  • Implementing digital tools to improve engagement and streamline customer service processes


Case Study:
Unpacking Coates' Tale of Digital Transformation

Traditionally, construction has been slow to adopt technological advancement, however, Coates has changed the game, driving digital transformation to reshape the construction industry.

Join digital powerhouse, Stuart Freer as he shares:

  • Specific digital initiatives undertaken at Coates to enhance operational efficiency, customer experience, and data-driven decision-making
  • How digital innovation has enabled cost effective and continuous growth
  • Why selecting the right partners is half the challenge in implementing impactful digital strategies

Stuart Freer, Chief Information and Digital Officer - Coates


Speeding to the Future of Digital Experiences 

This panel discussion delves into the dynamic future of digital experiences, exploring how emerging trends will redefine our interaction with technology at both personal and societal levels.

Delving into AI, personalisation, UX + Design and much more 
Exploring how and why DX will change in the coming years?
Which technologies and methodologies are going to have the biggest impact on DX in 2025?
What are the major challenges that must be overcome as we advance into this new digital era? 

Carmel Zein, Head of Marketing, B2C Furniture, eCommerce Analyst and Podcaster
Sven Lindell, Consulting Chief Marketing and Digital Officer - 4WD Supacentre
Anna Bohler, Head of Digital Experience - Big Red Group


Morning Tea & Networking


Audience Activity:
Creating Dynamic Digital Experiences

In this innovative session, attendees will be faced with a series of scenarios that they may face in their roles. Attendees will discuss the possible courses of action with their peers to consider the ramifications of each option before logging their own course of action. 

Results will be tallied and analysed by our session facilitator and results will impact the way the group moves through the activity.

Will we collectively choose the right course of action?


This is how... I build my Tech Stack

This 15 minute demonstration session will uncover how Webjet built their technology stack to enhance the digital experience for it's 2.3 million monthly visitors

Ben Coughlin, Chief Customer Operations Officer - Webjet


How I Solved....

This 15 minute demonstration session will uncover how an industry leader overcame a common industry challenge. They’ll take you inside their world and show you the process and tools they use to build something brilliant


Under the Hood of the Tech Engines Driving Digital Experiences

Explore the importance of having the right technology in place to ensure uptime, deliver personalisation, and create exceptional digital experiences. 

  • Exploring emerging omnichannel and digital technology developments and their potential to enhance customer and digital experiences 
  • Uncovering modern architecture strategies to support digital experiences
  • Exploring technology that contribute to efficient and scalable digital platforms
  • Delving into AI trends in technology development and use cases

Kurt Brissett, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer - Transport for NSW
Ben Coughlin, Chief Customer Officer - Webjet
Michael Ristuccia, GM Customer Technology - Tabcorp


Roundtable Discussions:
Choose 1 Roundtable Discussion Topic to join on the day!

  1. AI and Automation in DX and CX
  2. User Experience and Design 
  3. Personalisation 
  4. Future of DX in 2025 and Beyond
  5. Headless Vs Non-Headless CMS 
  6. New Consumer Trends 
  7. Creating Omni-Channel Experiences 
  8. Data Management and Analytic


Lunch & Exhibition


Panel Discussion: 
Personal Touch: Redefining User Experience Design for the Modern Consumer

This panel will explore the future of user experience design, focusing on how personalisation is shaping the way products and services are crafted and delivered.

  • How are the core principles of user experience design evolving to incorporate increased personalisation? 
  • As personalisation becomes more prevalent, how are consumer expectations shifting? 
  • Who is leading the way in integrating personalisation into user experience design? 
  • What are the challenges of designing highly personalised experiences while maintaining user privacy and trust? 

Patrick Tam, Head of Digital Experience Design - Westpac
Nicole Shepherd, Customer Experience Product Lead Retail - Big W


The Great Debate:
The Role of AI in Enhancing vs. Replacing Human Creativity in Digital Experiences

This engaging session encompasses expert opinion and audience interaction as we see how the industry feels artificial intelligence is set to instil a new digital experience evolution. Will will explore:

  • Can AI truly replicate the nuanced creativity of human designers and content creators?
  • Will the rise of AI tools lead to job displacement in the creative industries, or will it create new opportunities?
  • Does AI-generated content match the quality and authenticity of human-produced content?
  • What ethical guidelines should govern the use of AI in creative processes

Kevin Wilkins, Experience Chapter Lead (UX) - Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Dan Palmer, Co-Founder -


Event Closed

Chief Technology Officer
Chief Experience Officer
Chief Data Officer
Chief Information Officer
Chief Marketing Officer
Chief Compliance Officer
Heads of Digital Experience
Heads of eCommerce
Digital Transformation Directors

Senior UX Manager
Senior Digital Manager
Senior DX Manager
Senior CX Manager
Digital Marketing Manager
Product Manager
Innovation Manager
Mobile Strategy Manager



Are you interested in sponsoring the Digital Experience Summit Sydney 2024?

Find out more here or get in touch with Danny Perry to secure your spot now, as each of our events is highly limited to 8 sponsors.

Danny Perry
Director of Sales


P: 0423 984 435