Integrated business planning (IBP) continues to grow in popularity and adoption. And no wonder—when implemented, it provides a solid foundation to meet key goals. But with many stakeholders and processes involved, it's not always easy. Where should you start in order to succeed on your journey to true IBP?

Join us for an insightful roundtable discussion that delves into the strategic importance of IBP in navigating business complexities and driving sustainable growth. We'll explore the critical aspects of IBP implementation and how it can be harnessed to align with your organisation's objectives.

During this interactive session, we will cover topics such as:

  • Strategic Alignment and Execution: We will discuss how IBP can bridge the gap between strategic planning and operational execution, ensuring cohesive efforts towards achieving business goals.
  • Decision-Making and Trade-Off Analysis: The session will cover the integral role of IBP in enhancing decision-making processes, focusing on managing trade-offs between revenue, inventory, costs, and service levels to optimise overall business performance.
  • Overcoming Implementation Challenges: We will identify common challenges faced during IBP implementation and share actionable insights and best practices to navigate these complexities and drive successful adoption within your organisation.

This event includes lunch (estimated value $120.00 AUD per person). We are pleased to accept payment for all or a portion of this event as permitted or required under your ethics laws and policies and can provide additional information or documentation upon request. 




Arrival and Refreshments




Discussion Topic 1:
How IBP can bridge the gap between strategic planning and operational execution


Discussion Topic 2:
The integral role of IBP in enhancing decision-making processes, focusing on managing trade-offs between revenue, inventory, costs, and service levels


Discussion Topic 3:
Common challenges faced during IBP implementation with actionable insights and best practices


Discussion Wrap Up & Conclusion




Official Event Closed
Guests welcome to stay at leisure.


Arpit Shah 

Director - Business Value & Strategy (APAC)


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When it comes to must-do Sydney food experiences, Rockpool Bar & Grill is right up there. From its opulent, green-marbled, art deco interior to the choreographed service from floor staff, this striking establishment has never been anything less than special. But it’s not the dramatic decor, nor the silver service that entice the well-heeled masses.