As we navigate through 2024, Australia stands at a crucial juncture in its data protection and security journey. The recently reformed Australian Data Privacy Act, coupled with the increasing intricacies of data sharing, demands that professionals stay ahead of the curve.

This October, the Sydney Data Protection and Security Summit becomes your essential platform to dissect, deliberate, and design the most effective data security strategies.

This paramount event congregates Australia's leading minds in data protection and security, delving deep into pressing subjects sculpting today's data safeguarding, including:

  • Australia's Reformed Data Privacy Act: Understanding the implications and compliance pathways.
  • Sensitive Data Discovery & Access Control: Techniques for unearthing and managing critical information assets.
  • Enhancing Data Security Infrastructure: Elevating protective measures in an increasingly digital age.
  • Building a Robust Data Security Strategy: Constructing resilient frameworks to defend against unforeseen threats.
  • Data Minimisation & Protecting Sensitive Data: Adopting strategies to minimise data footprints while shielding vital information.
  • Data Sharing & Collaboration Strategies: Navigating the balance between collaboration and security in a connected world.

With a line-up of distinguished professionals and sector leaders, the summit guarantees insightful dialogues and rewarding networking avenues. The insights garnered here will equip you to overhaul your data protection strategies, instilling innovation and trust within your organisation.

Dive deep, deliberate, and drive change at the Sydney Data Protection and Security Summit 2024. Boost your data protection acumen and be at the forefront of defining the future of data security in Australia.

Safeguard your data destiny with conviction. Register today!


Our full event program will be announced early 2024!

Be sure to join the wait list to be advised when the program launches. 




Arrival & Registration


Welcome & Table Exercise


Opening Keynote
What does Australia’s Reformed Data Privacy Act mean for Data Protection & Security Leaders?


Building a Robust Data Security Strategy


Morning Tea & Exhibition


Keynote to be announced shortly!


Sensitive Data Discovery and Access Control


Roundtable Discussions:
Choose 1 topic to discuss on the day!

  1. New Threats in Data Security
  2. Zero Trust Security
  3. Data Breach Response Protocols
  4. Cloud Data Storage
  5. The Human Element of Data Security
  6. Balancing Data Sharing and Security
  7. Blockchain and Data Security
  8. Advanced Data Protection Techniques such as Encryption


Lunch & Exhibition


Enhancing Data Security Infrastructure


Closing Keynote:
Data Minimisation and Protecting Sensitive Data


Event Closed

  • Chief Information Security Officer
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Data Protection Officers
  • Chief Data Officers
  • Heads of Data Security
  • Data Governance Leaders
  • Cybersecurity Architects
  • Heads of Compliance
  • Incident Response Leaders
  • Data Loss Prevention Leaders
  • Heads of Cloud Security
  • Data Privacy Leaders
  • Infrastructure and Storage Leaders
  • Cybersecurity Leaders



Are you interested in sponsoring the Data Protection & Security Summit Sydney 2024?

Find out more here or get in touch with Danny Perry to secure your spot now, as each of our events is highly limited to 8 sponsors.

Danny Perry
Director of Sales


P: 0423 984 435