As we navigate through 2024, Australia stands at a crucial juncture in its data protection and security journey. The recently reformed Australian Data Privacy Act, coupled with the increasing intricacies of data sharing, demands that professionals stay ahead of the curve.

This May, the Melbourne Data Protection and Security Summit becomes your essential platform to dissect, deliberate, and design the most effective data security strategies.

This paramount event congregates Australia's leading minds in data protection and security, delving deep into pressing subjects sculpting today's data safeguarding, including:

  • Australia's Reformed Data Privacy Act: Understanding the implications and compliance pathways.
  • Sensitive Data Discovery & Access Control: Techniques for unearthing and managing critical information assets.
  • Enhancing Data Security Infrastructure: Elevating protective measures in an increasingly digital age.
  • Building a Robust Data Security Strategy: Constructing resilient frameworks to defend against unforeseen threats.
  • Data Minimisation & Protecting Sensitive Data: Adopting strategies to minimise data footprints while shielding vital information.
  • Data Sharing & Collaboration Strategies: Navigating the balance between collaboration and security in a connected world.

With a line-up of distinguished professionals and sector leaders, the summit guarantees insightful dialogues and rewarding networking avenues. The insights garnered here will equip you to overhaul your data protection strategies, instilling innovation and trust within your organisation.

Dive deep, deliberate, and drive change at the Melbourne Data Protection and Security Summit 2024. Boost your data protection acumen and be at the forefront of defining the future of data security in Australia.

Safeguard your data destiny with conviction. Register today!


Patrick McQuaid
Group Owner Data Protection and Privacy

Dr Greg Adamson
Chief Information Security Officer

Marion Hemphill
General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer

Vasant Prabhu
Global Data Protection Lead

Alison Stretch
Senior Security Practitioner

Paul Davies
Head of Privacy Risk


Owais Syed 
Senior Information Security and Risk Assurance Lead

Joshua Orren Hermawan
Country Manager, Australia and New Zealand

Paul Kallenbach


Tim Roughton
Country Manager, Australia and New Zealand


Arrival & Registration


Welcome & Table Exercise


Opening Keynote
What does Australia’s Reformed Data Privacy Act mean for Data Protection & Security Leaders?

In this opening keynote, we'll dive into the implications of Australia’s revamped Data Privacy Act for leaders in data protection and security. We’ll discuss how the reforms reshape compliance requirements, empower consumers, and demand heightened accountability from organisations, alongside strategies to navigate these changes effectively in our digital landscape.

So grab a cuppa, and join us as we unravel the intricacies of safeguarding data in Australia, including:

  • Regulatory Landscape: Understand key provisions and compliance implications, including transparency, breach notification, and extraterritorial scope
  • Consumer Empowerment: Explore how the reforms enhance consumer rights and privacy protections
  • Compliance Strategies: Discuss effective strategies for ensuring organisational compliance and fostering a culture of privacy and accountability

Paul Kallenbach, Partner - MinterEllison


Sensitive Data Discovery and Access Control

Data protection leaders grapple with the challenge of discovering and controlling access to sensitive data amid regulatory complexities. This panel will discuss strategies for efficiently managing and securing sensitive data, including topics like:

  • Data Identification: How can leaders effectively identify sensitive data across various repositories?
  • Access Control: What are the key considerations for implementing access controls to protect sensitive data?
  • Governance Frameworks: How can data governance frameworks support effective data management and control?
  • Security vs. Accessibility: How can leaders balance stringent security measures with enabling necessary data access for business needs?

Owais Syed, Senior Information Security and Risk Assurance Lead - Australian Government

Vasant Prabhu, Global Data Protection Lead - Toll Group
Alison Stretch - Senior Security Practitioner
Tim Roughton, Country Manager, Australia and New Zealand - BigID


Morning Tea & Exhibition


Innovation Keynote:
A Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery strategy: defending against rising cyber threats

With the alarming rise in cyber threats, it's imperative for organisations to fortify their defences and elevate their Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) capabilities. Delve into the patterns of ransomware attacks and explore effective strategies for bolstering resilience through proactive data backup while prioritizing data integrity and seamless restoration processes.

  • No More Data Silos: Achieve complete data protection using 3-2-1 strategy

  • 100% Data Integrity: Implement self-healing & Immutable technologies

  • Confident Restoration: Meet RTO/RPO with ease

Joshua Orren Hermawan, Country Manager A/NZ - Synology


Guest Keynote:
Session to be announced shortly!


Is AI Emerging As Our Next Line Of Defence?

Join us as we explore then discuss the role of artificial intelligence in bolstering data protection, privacy, and security efforts. Gain valuable insights into how AI technologies are reshaping both cyber defence and cyber attack strategies and how they can be used to protect businesses from evolving threats, covering:

  • Understanding AI's Role in Cyber Defense: Explore what is required for AI-powered solutions to proactively identify, detect, and mitigate emerging cyber threats to safeguard Australian businesses' valuable data assets
  • Leveraging Predictive Analytics for Threat Intelligence and Defence Intelligence: Learn how AI-driven predictive analytics enable CISOs and security leaders to anticipate and respond to potential cyber threats, while threat actors use the same technologies to anticipate our defences.
  • Enhancing Incident Response with AI Automation: Discover how AI-driven automation streamlines incident response processes, enabling faster detection, containment, and remediation of cyber incidents to minimise impact and downtime
  • Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: On-stage interview and Q&A with the audience regarding best practices for effectively integrating AI technologies into cybersecurity strategies

Dr. Greg Adamson, Chief Information Security Officer - Department of Transport and Planning Victoria


Roundtable Discussions:
Choose 1 topic to discuss on the day!

  1. Enabling Comprehensive Visibility and Control of Data Across Your Digital Environment
  2. Securing your Data while at Rest, in Motion and in Use while meeting Regulatory Compliance
  3. Sensitive Data Management Compliance in an Ever-Changing Global Ecosystem
  4. Ransomware... So You’ve Been Hit, Do You Pay the Ransom or Not?
  5. Exploring Ransomware Resilience Strategies
  6. Balancing Data Sharing and Security
  7. Who Owns Privacy as Information Moves Through the Business and Across the Ecosystem?


Lunch & Exhibition


Securing the Future: Telco's Roadmap for Enhanced Data Protection

This enlightening on-stage interview will delve into the future of data protection, explore the technologies that are enabling change and pull back the curtain on this Telco's data protection and privacy strategies.

  • Explore the latest trends and future directions in data protection, including the adoption of AI, automation and other cutting-edge technologies
  • Gain insights into the telco's internal practices and strategies for ensuring data privacy and security across its operations
  • Discuss the impact of changing legislation on data protection practices and compliance efforts, and learn how the telco adapts to stay ahead of regulatory requirements

Patrick McQuaid, Group Owner Data Protection and Privacy - Telstra


Closing Panel:
Guardians of Data: Navigating Privacy in a Connected World

In an era where data is both ubiquitous and vulnerable, this panel aims to explore evolving strategies for safeguarding privacy while embracing technological progress.

  • Data Ethics in the Digital Age: Discussing the ethical considerations surrounding data collection, usage, and sharing in an increasingly interconnected world
  • Balancing Privacy and Innovation: Exploring how organisations can strike a balance between protecting user privacy and fostering innovation in data-driven technologies
  • Empowering Data Literacy: Highlighting the importance of educating individuals and businesses about data privacy rights and responsibilities to empower informed decision-making
  • Anticipating Future Challenges: Looking ahead, how can we anticipate and address emerging threats to data privacy, such as quantum computing and AI-driven data analysis, to ensure robust protection mechanisms are in place?

Marion Hemphill, General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer - Australian Red Cross Lifeblood
Paul Davies, Head of Privacy Risk - ANZ
Paul Kallenbach, Partner - MinterEllison


Event Closed

  • Chief Information Security Officer
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Data Protection Officers
  • Chief Data Officers
  • Heads of Data Security
  • Data Governance Leaders
  • Cybersecurity Architects
  • Heads of Compliance
  • Incident Response Leaders
  • Data Loss Prevention Leaders
  • Heads of Cloud Security
  • Data Privacy Leaders
  • Infrastructure and Storage Leaders
  • Cybersecurity Leaders




Are you interested in sponsoring the Data Protection & Security Summit Melbourne 2024?

Find out more here or get in touch with Danny Perry to secure your spot now, as each of our events is highly limited to 8 sponsors.

Danny Perry
Director of Sales


P: 0423 984 435